martes, 25 de mayo de 2010

The Friky's Day (En español)

My first english job!

Good afternoon!!

Some days ago, i was my first english job!! why??, because In my work i had a small problem!, my company was denuncied for other company, and i recibed a letter in english, and in my office, only me understand a few of english.

It was a surprise, because it was un-expected!! my boss came and told me "I need a fast traduction, come on!", and i undestood only a few, because it was a judicial letter, and their word was technical word xDD but, few to few i could translate approximately xDD

Maybe, in the future, i can demostrate a great nivel of english!! xDD but now... i need to practice!

but... It's a start....

viernes, 7 de mayo de 2010

wellcome to my new blog!

It's my new blog!. It's my second blog, the first one is .

I like to make this blog, because i like to learn to speak and to write in english, because this languages is very important for travel and business!! ;)

If you like to learn english,
If you don't have anypeople for speak in english,
If the english is important for you, and you have interesting for to increase your nevel!

Come with me! In this blog, i will write all the days, and few to few, we can see significative changes in our nivel!

Again!, wellcome to my first blog in english!